March 10, 2011

Lipstick for sale :)

Lipstick ni pucat , sesuai utk org tertentu , especially kulit yg terang terang , tp sesuai utk semua . Mana tahu sesuai utk anda ? :D

Yang ni pinkish pinkish , lawa sesuai utksemua :)

wuu merah menawan .

For your information , u can comment in this post for further detail :)

Heels for sale

More information , can comment this post :)

Frozen fooods !

Salam , ehemlupe nak gtau , sarah pun ada jual frozen foods jugak . lupe nk gtau ye , kawan kawan . :) Frozen foods ni die ada banyak , contoh , karipap , donut , samosa , pizza , spring roll and banyak lagi . Semua ni mesti simpan dalam fridgesupaya tk lemau . Bole hidang utk tetamu yang datang, senang , cepat dan sedap :)

Anything bole comment bawah post pasal frozen foods :)

Frozen foods

Waah mari mari ada makanan sedap sedap ni . :)

Frozen foods ni bole jual dn harga memang ditetapkan . tk mahal , average sahaja. janji sedap dn halal ! :) Anything bole comment bawah post frozen foods ,. nk detox pun bole sajaa :)

ni mesti kesukaan orang ramai , Hawaian Pizza ! 
Lagi murah dari hargapiza , sama je rasa , sangat best :)

Goods for health :)

Detoxification foot pads are adhesive foot pads or patches that manufacturers claim can dramatically improve health when placed on feet during sleep. Pads contain ingredients such as "distilled bamboo vinegar that allegedly pull toxins from the body. These claims are not likely as the skin is only semi-permeable and is not able to conduct toxins out of the body.

It really gives us energy ! Boleh try , serious pagi tu bila bangun memang namak byk toksin ! Waaah Sarah dh try dh , u guys memang patut kene try . :)

Ini brand detox yang pertama and still popular sampai sekarang .

March 08, 2011

Detox ; goods for health :)

The latest health fad is the use of detox patches to clear the body of poisons and toxins. While many people believe these patches work and clear out toxins as they are advertised to do, the science behind the patches is questionable.

For those not familiar with the product, detox patches are basically an absorbent pad with adhesive around the edges that can be stuck to the body. The patches are filled with powdered ingredients such as bamboo vinegar, wood vinegar and mushrooms, which are supposed to draw the toxins out of the body onto the pad. The user puts on a clean white pad on the affected body part, sleeps eight hours with it in place, then removes the pad the next morning to find it filled with a gunky black sludge that is supposed to be the toxins pulled from the body by the pad.

While the pads can be placed in any location on the body, they are most frequently used on the feet. This is in accordance with the study of reflexology which states each organ system in the body corresponds to a zone on the feet. By placing these detox patches on the feet; they are supposed to stimulate these zones, thus causing each organ system to release its toxins.